A caring and professional veterinary clinic in Yuen Long area 一所貼心及專業的獸醫診所
p寵物 / 獸醫petcoreyl

Welcome to Dr. Eric ’ s Animal Clinic 歡迎光臨黎昌生獸醫診所 Introduction Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic is located in Happy Valley and Tseung Kwan O. Both clinics is owned and operated by Dr. Eric Lai. The pra
D寵物 / 獸醫Dr. Eric Lai Cheong Sang

提供24小時寵物護理及零售服務 24 hours Nursing Care & Retail
寵物 / 獸醫Pets Central 動物醫院

Kowloon Cat Hospital is a Feline exclusive vet clinic that provides quality veterinary care to your dearest feline family members. The clinic is "Cats Only", without the noise and smell of
K寵物 / 獸醫Kowloon Cat Hospital

夜診 獸醫 服務 麥花臣 動物診所 將從 2007 年 9 月起﹐為閣下提供夜間獸醫服務 ( 包括急診 ) ﹐服務範圍包括內科﹑外科﹑骨科﹑眼科﹑產科﹑急診手術﹑特殊護理等。本診所配備有 X 光﹑超聲波﹑心電圖﹑內窺鏡﹑血液生化檢驗儀﹑心肺功能監測儀﹑中央氧氣供應系統﹑住院部及深切治療部設備等。 服務項目包括 : 內科、外科、皮膚科、骨科、產科、病理檢查、預防注射、寵物留院、 貓狗用品及 售賣獸
m寵物 / 獸醫macpherson animal clinic

The Ark Veterinary Clinic was established by Dr. Kylie Griffin in 1995 as a companion animal clinic and hospital. Having worked in Hong Kong for five years prior, Dr. Griffin's aim was to provide the
T寵物 / 獸醫The Ark Veterinary Hospital

於12月及1月期間,SAA動物醫療中心服務及貨品9折優惠 (SAA會員更專享85折) ! 另外新增兩套醫療優惠計劃,折扣低至78折! 計劃 A 幼犬基本護理優惠計劃 計劃包括: - 全年防疫注射 - 全年預防體內寄生蟲 (杜腸蟲) - 全年預防心絲蟲 - 全年預防體外寄生蟲 (跳蚤 + 牛蚤) - 注射預防狂犬症針和植入晶片 - 絕育 收費詳情: 性別 重量 原價 HK$ 優惠價 HK$ 男(M
S寵物 / 獸醫SAA 保護遺棄動物協會有限公司

Graduated with Masters Degree in Mathematics From Cambridge; GSCE/ IGCSE/ GCE A-Level Maths + Further Maths, STEP Section A, IGCE/GCE A-level Economics; Proofreading of UCAS Personal statement
c教學進修 / 補習cambridgemathstutor

*科大BSc & MPhil in Mathematics *科大Dean's List Award得獎者 *學生曾在A-Level Maths & Further Maths均奪A*,並獲英國LSE及港大精算系offer *曾在著名國際學術期刊 Journal of Symbolic Computation 發表學術文章: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsc.2022.0
t教學進修 / 補習tycheungad

貓狗友 PROFESSIONAL PERFECT PET SHOP位於葵青區的寵物店新界葵涌 葵涌廣場地下A51號鋪

貓犬寶堡 位於油尖旺區的寵物店九龍大角咀大全街51A號地鋪

William 老師在英國已1A*2A2B完成5科GCE A Level,在University of Sheffield 已 2:1 Honor 完成Biochemistry & Genetics 學位。2018 DSE狀元亦是其門生之一。 補BIO DSE 補bio邊間好 BIO補習 旺角補BIO 補生物

The evolution of E-commerce Web Solution has facilitated several opportunities for retailers, brands, and cataloguers across a multitude of channels today.
a設計 / 網頁設計anamikaartis123

私人轉讓可免中介費用,為求保障手續由律師辦理。Private transfer can save agency fees. All procedures are handled by a solicitor. 充足的休戲地方如遠足,假日作息消遣極佳。Plenty of places for rest and hiking 向南冬暖夏涼。Warm in winter & cool in summer

私人轉讓可免中介費用,為求保障手續由律師辦理。Private transfer can save agency fees. All procedures are handled by a solicitor. 充足的休戲地方如遠足,假日作息消遣極佳。Plenty of places for rest and hiking 向南冬暖夏涼。Warm in winter & cool in summer

The Satta Matka betting game is one of the most popular games in India. It was very popular in the 1950s and the 1990s. Nowadays, it is a popular online as well. Nowadays, we can play every game on ou
a設計 / 網頁設計artinandni33

It's the world's first BTC banknote. It's a cold wallet that has the particularity of being able to be exchanged for a good as many times as necessary as long as its die isn't altered, as it were cash
i商業 / 印刷icynoteteam

位於銅鑼灣核心地段之精品瑜伽室。每節課不多於6人,讓導師能更專注於全體學生,作出適合調整。 E-RYT500 Yoga instruction with a boutique yoga studio in the heart of Causeway Bay, only 6 mats in each class to ensures individual attention.
運動及健身 / 瑜伽P.L.A.Y. with Kitty ॐ Aerial Fitness & Yoga

We are a group of experts in providing college level assignment & dissertation coaching & writing services (Management, Finance, Economy, Marketing, Supply Chain, etc.) 100% Self creation
H教學進修 / 學術諮詢HK Kings and Assignment Writer

Widepot is the new One-Stop Online Shopping Mall established by Wellent System, offer customers a wide range of high quality and low price computer and electronics. Provide delivery and self pick up
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